Central Venous Catheterization Simulator

Designed for practicing of Central Venous Catheterization. As the importance of medical simulation becomes more and more evident, this simulator offers a cost-effective method to improve patient safety.

Skills Gained

  • Complete PICC line procedure including guidewire insertion, dilation, and full cannulation using percutaneous subclavian vein, internal jugular vein
  • Peripherally Inserted Catheterization using Basilic, Cephalic or Cubital Veins
  • Visual confirmation of proper catheter placement
  • Measurement of central venous pressure
  • Palpable anatomic landmarks clinically relevant for measuring catheter length


Anatomy: Clavicle, ribs, internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, innominate vein, heart, brachiocephalic trunk, common carotid artery, subclavian artery


  1. Realistic sensation of needle insertion and catheterization
  2. Palpable clavicle, ribs and intercostal spaces

Key Features:

  1. 1)   Trainees can observe the catheter position through transparent window (insert to the superior vena cava properly, mistakable inserting internal jugular vein and contralateral brachiocephalic vein)
  2. 2)   An automatic alarm will go on when incorrect catheterization into lung
  3. 3)   Liquid can be released easily


  1. Replaceable blood vessels and skin pads (including arm skin, blood vessels, subclavian skin, internal jugular vein and skin of the anterior region of neck)
  2. Spare precordial skin for examination
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